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Devotionals on prophecy

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Devotionals on prophecy

Ever been impressed with a grand finale? The book of Hebrews shows that Jesus is the grand finale of both the Old and New Covenant.

It won’t matter how we interpret the end times in Scripture when God’s Independence Day comes.

Christ redeemed us from spiritual death when He gave up His own life to eternally save ours. Ashley Key, co-host of The 700 Club, shares about how...

A little lesson from goats helps us understand boundaries from a new point of view.

Often, we're in a hurry to implement our plans and reach our goals. If we're not careful, we'll miss the joys and lessons that result from what is...

I have tasted God's Word. It has been sweet to my soul, bringing comfort, joy, healing, and peace. But it couldn't stay there.

Jehovah-Shammah will walk with you into whatever tomorrow holds because of His great love for you. 

Are we living in the last days before the return of Christ?

No other city claims to be where God dwells.

Learn what Rosh Hashanah has to do with you, even if you are not Jewish.


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