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Devotionals on thankfulness

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Devotionals on thankfulness

Is it reasonable to be thankful even when things are difficult?

Did you ever ask God, "Why am I wasting time here God?"

I sang many hymn lyrics about the blood of Jesus but never knew why His blood being shed was so important.

Do you truly believe in the goodness and the sovereignty of God?

I lost my sense of direction in Chicago. Then I discovered I lost my wallet too. I looked to the Lord for help.

What treasured memories flow from having a father who had compassion and bike repair skills.

As you go throughout your day, pray that God will put His words into your mouth.

Are we giving God our leftovers? Our second best? Our leftover time or money? 

Realizing we need to be forgiven is the first step toward our entrance into Heaven. 

A prayer to bless someone in need with food has unexpected results.


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