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Devotionals on thankfulness

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Devotionals on thankfulness

It is a sight to see the wonders of God's artistic hand.

What does it really mean to say it is more blessed to give than to receive?

Gratitude can turn a grueling day into a great day. 

Would God want you to use these two words to bless and encourage others?

A helping hand talks so much louder than words. Many need to see someone care beyond a "Hi" and "Goodbye."

Satan knew the three basics for selling his product to man: the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life.

"Tanks" is perhaps my favorite childhood mispronunciation. At a young age my son appeared so excited and appreciative of everything. He still says...

Nothing catches God off guard and He is working all things out in your life for His perfect purpose.

Today, ask God to shine on you. Ask that His will be done in your life; that His kingdom rule in your home and heart.

Father God, on this Mother’s Day, please meet us where we are. Help us to honor our mothers by honoring you.


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