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Bible Teachings on god

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Bible Teachings on god

Lack of forgiveness blocks access to the kingdom and to miracle power.

What unleashes God's miracle power? Pat Robertson uncovers five specific secrets to miracles.

Who is the Holy Spirit? How should we approach Him? What are His attributes? What does the Bible say about Him?

How we respond to guilt today can determine our success in life for years to come. It can even determine where we will spend eternity.

No matter how deep your pain from grief and sorrow, God can help you find comfort and hope.

It’s interesting that Jesus made a significant statement about His birth just before His death. During Jesus’ trial, Pilate asked about His identity...

It is fairly common to be assailed by the thought that the unpardonable sin has somehow been committed.

Unlike humans and the world around us, God never changes. He is ever constant.

God knows all things entirely. He knows every facet, every detail of the present word and possesses an equal knowledge of things past and yet to...

Reflect on what the Bible reveals about hope. These scriptures represent a sampling of the many facets of hope.


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