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Videos on Health

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Videos on Health

Major League pitcher Curt Schilling and his wife Shonda found their greatest challenge raising their son who has Asperger's Syndrome.

Dr. Travis Stork of The Bachelor and The Doctors talks about his new book, The Doctor Is In: A 7-Step Prescription for Optimal Wellness.

How can I alter my diet to not gain weight? How do I work exercise into my busy schedule? Any suggestions on easing neck pain?

Are detox diets good? What foods cause heartburn? Which fitness gadgets are just gimmicks?

Nutrition expert Jonny Bowden discusses his book, The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth.

What is DEET and is it bad for you? Is weight gain inevitable when quitting smoking? When traveling abroad, what should I do about my prescription...

Together, Phil and Amy Parham lost 256 pounds on TV’s The Biggest Loser. They also shed the burdens of depression and bankruptcy. Discover the power...

Between the two of them, Phil and Amy Parham lost over 200 pounds. See how this Biggest Loser couple did it.

How will health care change in 2010? Is grilling out hazardous to our health? What supplements do you recommend for anti-aging?

The author and chef join forces to share how to control diabetes with food and losing weight.


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