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Videos on Heaven

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Videos on Heaven

Mike and Jessica receive devastating news that her pregnancy will most likely result in delivering a deceased baby, and in response the couple turns...

Lawrence & Morgan answer the question, “Do you ever want to ask God for something, but you’re not sure if it’s worth his time?”

AJ and Quinn discuss what the Bible says about there being animals in heaven.

Don Piper, author of 90 Minutes in Heaven discusses the stories of the people he met in Heaven, and those who helped him on his journey there.

Dawn rushed to the hospital for a quadruple bypass surgery. In recovery, she died for 20 minutes, and now shares what she saw in Heaven.

Author and pastor Robert Jeffress discusses how we can prepare for Heaven.

Eight-year-old Landon and his parents were driving home from church when their car was crushed in a collision. Landon's dad died at the scene, and so...

Author Don Piper discusses the upcoming movie adaption of Don’s best-selling book, 90 Minutes in Heaven.

Best selling author and pastor Bobby Schuller provides insight into happiness according to Jesus.

Kay Arthur, Founder of Precept Ministries, offers hope for a life beyond death’s door in her new book Heaven, Hell, and Life After Death.


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