700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

Grandson Brings Grandma to Her First Prom

There's no question, 18-year-old Howie Stacy is a remarkable teenager.  He’s an accomplished dancer, actor, and song writer with dreams of a career in filmmaking.

Recently, it was his character on display as one of the quarantined class of 2020.

“It was a hot mess," Howie says. "All the seniors were crying and saying, 'Oh my gosh, this can't be my year.'"

But Howie and his innovative mother Angela were not about to let the COVID-19 pandemic steal the joy from Howie's last year in school. Especially when it came to his senior prom. Angela says, “'I immediately asked God for a plan.' I said, 'I have to do something to uplift his spirit, so we said we are going to throw you a prom.'”

Howie says, “My mom asked me, 'Do you want to take your sister or your cousin.'”

"I was really surprised when he said, 'Mom, I'm going to choose my grandma.'”

Howie adds,“My grandma expressed that she never went to a prom.“

On her special day, Howie’s Grandmother waited all night for her date to show up... By the time he did, the prom was over. Grandma Dianna reminisces, “In high school. You see, that’s the time when you are saying goodbye to everybody. Then the prom, then the graduation is goodbye, So I didn’t have my prom.”

Howie wanted to make it right. "When you cherish your grandma and make sure to spend time with her….I know I was making her feel very special.”

Grandma Dianna admits she was surprised by the invitation. “I’m like, you sure you want to take ME to the prom?  Lots of kids don't want to be with a rugged old lady and he did.” Her eyes fill with tears when she says, “That’s an honor to have grandkids that love me so much.” 

So on prom night, they transformed their home for a party that included music, dancing, food, and family. Then donned in his black and gold tuxedo, Howie picked up his grandma in a hummer, brought her home, and danced the night away.

Grandma Dianna smiles when she says, “Well, I had to show him how to bring a girl in; to bring the girl in and out of the car. Then he had to walk me up to the door, to open the door for me. And then he had to dance and I had to do the two step because he didn’t know how to do the two step. I’m honored, I’m honored and I couldn’t ask God for anything else.”

With his high school career over, Howie turned his sights to college. His first choice...a school with high standards of integrity, education, and christian values…Regent University.

Howie says, “I knew right off the bat that Regent was where I wanted to go. Once I saw all the awards they had for the film program, I definitely thought it was a sign that I should go here.” He’s also interested in prelaw.

Howie explains why, “What I see in the world now especially in 2020. There are a  a lot of issues that are wrong with this year. Something just hit me, I want to change that, I want to help minorities out anybody that is in a group that is discriminated against, I want to the voice for them.” And Howie knows that he has his mom and grandma’s full support.

“I’ve heard nothing but good things about Regent, Grandma Dianna says, and I hear that they have the best lawyers ever.” Angela adds, “And he knows I love Pat Robertson. I used to watch the 700 Club with my grandma. I call them quite often when I need prayer.”

Howie beams with pride when he reflects on his wonderful family, especially his mother Angela. “Me and my mom are very much alike. Everything I am today is 
because of her. I always make sure whatever I get to thank everyone around who has helped me out. And I make sure to give them credit for making me who I am. I want to change the world, honestly, with whatever I do. And I want to make sure what I do is not forgettable.”

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