LSU Athlete's Journey from Broken to Bold

On the outside Mo appeared to have it all. She was brought up in a Christian household, she was beautiful, energetic and successful. While in school, Mo tried to take control over her life saying to herself, “ God has given me everything I need, now it’s time to show God what I can do with them.” She was an excellent goalkeeper on the school soccer team but slowly she began to lose control of her body. She became bulimic but eventually overcame it in 2007 when she gave all control to God.

She was the All-American goal keeper for LSU, the first female to tryout for an SEC Division I men’s football team and even LSU’s 2011 homecoming Queen. At school, Mo was praised with many accolades but at home, Mo strived for her father’s love. Mo received all the attention in the world but the one she longed for the most was her father’s. In 2009, she had to deal with her father’s suicide. The news broke her heart, mind and soul leaving her in the pit of depression. One day when Mo was driving home to Georgia, she got into a wreck and was battered heavily all over her body. That is when she heard the Holy Spirit speak to her and the traumatic accident changed her life. Over the next few months, Mo dealt with pain in her body, sorted out issues in her life and experienced the full peace of God.

After all the struggles, Mo learned to completely surrender to God and let Him fight her battles. She decided to go on a spiritual fast when it came to relationships. For a whole year and more, Mo did not date anyone and remained pure to God. After she had fully kept her promise with God, she met Jeremiah and waited for the day he would go down on one knee. Mo says that though she was waiting to say yes, when it came to that moment, she began to think twice and imagined every negative possibility there was about commitment. She also talks about how the movies and standards of the world have sold the idea of a ‘perfect man’, ‘soulmate’, ‘the one’. In truth, she says there is no such person that exists. She later learned to say yes and let herself get into a lifetime relationship to love Jeremiah the  way God loves her. She says that marriage is to experience love in a different realm. “It is the taste of conventional love which is to be intentionally given to the spouse,” she says. Mo constantly makes a choice to lose control of her decision to love and ensure God’s love transpires through her to Jeremiah.

Two have become three. Now, Mo has a daughter of seven months. She says that having a baby has only made her lose more control and experience God’s unconditional love through her child. Mo works daily towards depending on God and focusing on how she can show the love that God has showered on her to others.  She has spent all her life training her body to be ready for soccer, football and being fit to have a baby. Today, along with God, she is training the mind of others to lose control of themselves and give their decisions to God. She addresses these values in her blog and ministers full time about God’s love and how to experience it in fullness.  

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Guest Info


Former LSU soccer player-Honored with National player of the week

Appeared on ESPN Top 10 Plays and featured in Sports Illustrated

First female to tryout for an SEC Division I men’s football team

Been on shows like Ellen, CBS, ESPN, The 700 Club (feature story)



Author of Wreck My Life: Journeying from Broken to Bold

Married to Jeremiah and has one daughter.


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