700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

Sing Like the Battle is Over

Growing up as a pastor’s kid, Catherine Mullins began speaking and leading worship at an early age.  Yet, as an adult, she decided to get a business degree rather than pursue full-time ministry. God had other plans. When she felt Him calling her into ministry full time she told Him, “If you want me to be in ministry, you are going to have to open the doors.” He did. She began singing as a background vocalist during the Lakeland Outpouring. Then, the doors began to open. Since the Fall of 2008 Catherine has been traveling extensively releasing a passion for worship, discipleship and a desire to see lives changed through the power of Jesus. While teaching, preaching or leading worship, her heart is to help facilitate a powerful encounter with the Lord. Her prayer is that all would come into a deeper revelation of Jesus as Lord of their lives and embrace the unique call of God on their lives. Catherine currently lives in Newnan, Georgia. While at home she attends her parent's church, Coweta Community Church.

Catherine’s latest album, Sing Like the Battle is Over centers around the power of using praise as a weapon against the enemy and worship as a way to minister to the Lord. She explains, “I imagined what it must have been like to be at Jericho marching around the walls. When the first stone fell, they must have gone wild.” Her album takes you on a journey from the deep places of the heart to the victory found on the cross. The song “Never Lost,” featured on the album, reminds God’s children that He has never lost a battle and that we can trust Him to fight for us.

Catherine found herself on a personal journey to learn what the Bible says about praise and worship.  She came to Deuteronomy 12:4 “You shall not worship the Lord your God in this way.” She realized that God actually has a way that He wants to be worshipped. Also, in Genesis, we see that “The Lord looked with favor on Abel and his offering but on Cain and his offering he did not look with favor” (Gen. 4:4). Meaning that not only does the Lord have a way that he wants to be worshiped but also that He will reject our sacrifice if not done in the proper way. So how does God want to be worshiped? We find in John 4:24 that “ God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship Him spirit and in truth.”

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Guest Info


Multiple albums, latest CD, Sing Like the Battle is Over

Independent artist

Former Director of Worship for The Ramp (5 yrs.)

Married, husband plays keyboard while she leads worship

BA in Business, Point University


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