700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

Long-Suffering Accident Victim Experiences Miracle

Jacquie remembers, “Around 20-years-old I was going home and this young man ran a stop sign and hit the front of my car. Threw me against the door and bent the door out. But I was young and healthy. And went to the chiropractor, got things jerked back in place and went on from there. “

“When I would walk or exercise I would have a stabbing pain under my right shoulder blade. I thought that eventually the pain would go away by itself.”

“For 47 years I dealt with the pain resulting from the car wreck. I would use ice packs and then sometimes warm packs. I would take medication. None of the remedies I tried to relieve the pain did anything to heal the actual injury.”

“It became more of a nuisance, more prominent. I was unable to play with my grandchildren pick them up and swing them around and all the things that they love to do.”

Jacquie recalls, “One day I was watching The 700 Club and Gordon said, ‘There is someone else, and you’re saying, “please say sharp pain behind the right shoulder blade and in the back and in the spine. Please say that.” Because you’re experiencing it right now. And, it just went away. You are healed by the stripes of Jesus Christ.’

“And I said, ‘That's – I'm taking that that's for me!’ And I raised my arms up high like I hadn't been able to do without pain underneath my right shoulder blade. Energy was pulsing through my whole body and I have not had any pain in that area since then.”

“I can keep up with the grandchildren now. I can swing them around, pick them up, throw them around, wrestle with them.  Anything they want me to do, I can do. We have a great time.”

Jacquie says, “When I heard Gordon say that Jesus wanted to heal somebody with a sharp pain under their shoulder blade. It made everything I knew about Jesus more realistic. It made everything more real because he had touched me in a way that no one else could do.”

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