700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

Avoiding Surgery to Fix Unbearable Pain

In April 2015, Chris was at her job as a stocker in a retail store, when she felt something go wrong in her knee.

She explains, “I was just walking.  And all of a sudden, my left leg, um, twisted inward and I stepped down.  And immediately I heard a sound that did not sound normal.  And immediately there was severe pain right in this area of my knee.”

By the next day, Chris could barely walk.  

She says the pain was “like a nauseating pain.  Just like –it was just unreal.  ‘Cause every step I took it just throbbed.”

Chris continued working, but for the next few weeks wore a knee brace and took over-the-counter pain medication to make it through her shifts.  

Chris says, “Sometimes I stock stuff that’s on the bottom shelf. And getting down on my knees was an almost impossible task.  I would literally have to put my feet out in front of me, sit down on the floor, use my hands to brace, and then get down on the floor.  And there were times I actually had to have an employee, say hey, can you get me up off the floor?  Because I couldn’t do it under my own power.”

At home, her husband Darrell helped take care of the house while Chris rested her knee.  Meanwhile, she kept putting off getting medical attention.

She remembers, “My worst case scenario was am I going to have to go to a doctor?  Am I going to have to have surgery?  I kept thinking Lord, is this the day I call?  And I thought no. I’m not going to.  I’m not going to.  I’m not.  I just didn’t want to go through that.  I was afraid.”

Instead, she prayed for healing.

She says, “I kept saying Lord, I know You are going to take care of this.  I know You are.  And I’m going to keep banging on the door and banging on the door until You answer.  Because I believed that God was going to take care of this thing, one way or the other.  I just really did.”

And like she had been doing for years, Chris watched The 700 Club almost every day.

She recalls, “When I would watch them pray I would say. 'Lord, when are they going to mention knees?  Because I just know You are going to heal me.  I just know You are.'”

Just two months after her injury, Chris was listening in as Pat and Wendy prayed.  Then, Wendy said, “Someone...you’ve got a torn, something torn in your knee.  And God – it’s very painful – and God is healing you right now, just receive it.”

Chris remembers, “I said yes, Lord.  This is mine.  I’m claiming it now.  My pain level before I heard the word of knowledge was a 10 plus.  My pain level after the word of knowledge was an absolute zero.  I got up and I went from the living room to the kitchen.  And went up and down the basement steps. And I knew.  And I knew.  I had no doubt in my mind.”  

The next day she worked her whole shift with no pain, and hasn’t had any trouble since.  

She says, “I honestly even think my knee feels better than it did before I had the injury.  I really do.  I mean, I can do anything.  Totally bend it, totally do stairs, anything.”

She says healing came through prayer, and a little faith.

Chris says, “If you just have faith as a grain of mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, move.  Well this was a mountain on my knee that needed to move.  And God did that.”

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