Author Exposes Hollywood's Biggest Hypocrites

Hollywood thinks of itself as the moral beacon for Americans, but a new book out is exposing a long trail of Tinseltown's own hypocrisy.


Hollywood thinks of itself as the moral beacon for Americans, but a new book out is exposing a long trail of Tinseltown's own hypocrisy. Hollywood leaders helped get President Barack Obama elected in 2008. This fall, actors and executives will be hitting the campaign trail again to make sure the president is re-elected. But the new book, Hollywood Hypocrites: The Devastating Truth About Obama's Biggest Backers, shows the Tinseltown elite don't always practice what they preach. New York Times best-selling author Jason Mattera shines light on what he says are the entertainment industry's glaring double standards. Mattera notes some of those double standards include making Americans feel guilty about the climate while they pollute and waste energy for their own pleasure, including big stars like Barbra Streisand, Harrison Ford and Robert Redford. Many also preach against guns while using heavily armed guards. Others dodge taxes while telling the rich to pay their "fair share."


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