Debt Free and Prospering Because of One Biblical Principle

Investing in the stock market can be overwhelming, even mysterious to many people.  But Jean Reehling, retired almost 20 years and debt free since 1985, seems to have figured it out.     

Jean says, “There are certain rules that apply to investing and it takes time. You have to do your homework and study if you follow those, it just works.”

And of course, it helps to get tips from a reliable source.

Jean says, “I know that God has given me the wisdom to make investment choices.”

But she says there’s another reason her investments have been successful.    

“I’ve been debt free for over forty years and I give God the credit because I have been giving and receiving and it’s a matter of reciprocity.”

It’s a principle she learned growing up on her parents’ farm. 

“I saw that you plant a seed and you have a harvest and you reap, and then you plant another seed and so I learned that by planting money you could receive blessings and be taken care of.”

As Jean gave faithfully throughout the years, she saw that principle at work in her job, her finances and investments.  But for her, it’s about more than making money.   

She says, “I am on this earth to give to God’s kingdom and to encourage others to do the same.”

Jean says, “I love to give to CBN. I think it is a good place to sow good seed.  Wherever there is a tragedy, there’s a need, and 700 Club is there.  The one more recently that I have been hearing about is Orphan’s Promise and how they help children around the world.”

Jean says that a good investment strategy always starts with giving.

“To whom much is given much will be expected I want to encourage anyone to be faithful to the Lord in the work that he is doing.  Giving the tithe, the 10% that is something we are all to do, and he will give you the promptings of where to give and obey those promptings because it just works!”

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