Displaying 1089 - 1104 of 1187

Dave's harsh treatment of his son resulted in a life-changing journey to find a runaway child.

Randy practiced the art of deception from an early age, making it easier for him to live a double life in later years. However, things began to...

When no one could help little Ayushmaa’s cerebral palsy, her Buddhist mother prayed to God. Discover how God’s answer went far beyond her desperate...

Nurzada gave most of the available food to her children. But still, without enough food, her daughter often fainted from severe anemia. Nurzada...

Mickey died in a fiery plane crash while doing what he loved, skydiving. He survived, and now shares the visions he had of the afterlife.

Severely injured while serving in Iraq, Marine Brandon Burns miraculously recovered and is now able to work part-time. CBN’s Helping the Home Front...

Duck Dynasty’s Jase and Missy Robertson almost lost hope after a difficult pregnancy, and when baby Mia was born with a cleft palate, they put their...

Serena wanted to watch her son grow up, so after a diagnosis of colon cancer, she turned to missionary friends for prayer and a hope for healing.

After Brian crashed his family’s plane into the side of a mountain, he knew his family only had one slim hope for survival. But would it actually...

A heart malfunction caused Steve to go into a coma from which he miraculously awakened after being anointed by his pastor.

New York Giants linebacker Mark Herzlich talks about his experience with cancer and how it nearly cost him his football career.

Jabar’s above average intelligence kept him from getting into too much trouble, but he thought he could get away with being a marijuana farmer.

Srey loved helping her father pastor in their small church, but sometimes the family didn’t have enough to eat. When the nine-year-old learned her...

Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook - it's just social media. But for young girls bombarded with images of "the perfect body," the digital universe has...

Renee got the phone call no mother wants to hear – a drunk driver killed her daughter. What Renee did next stunned the driver – and will stun you!

With Jorge on active duty in the military, his family knew that time together was precious, especially since 15-year-old Victoria was diagnosed with...


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