Displaying 1089 - 1104 of 1173

Renee got the phone call no mother wants to hear – a drunk driver killed her daughter. What Renee did next stunned the driver – and will stun you!

With Jorge on active duty in the military, his family knew that time together was precious, especially since 15-year-old Victoria was diagnosed with...

Mabel and Bethel were born to Christian parents in a remote Nigerian village where twins were considered a curse, and witch doctors rule. How could...

Gina and Brian witnessed their son Ethan experience victory over autism.

Riding out a hurricane in a car became deadly for Morganne when a tree fell on the roof.

Stranded at sea with several family members 20 miles off the coast of SC, Rex Willimon got a real life lesson on the power of prayer.

Kathy’s struggle with fear, anxiety and self-hatred was rooted in early childhood abuse. Years later she attended church with a friend and...

Cut from the NFL and bankrupt, Greg Scott found purpose in helping others eat.

Gabe was a prodigal son who ran away from home but his father never gave up on him.

As a young girl, Lauryn associated beauty with weight and a deadly eating disorder took root in her life.

Multiple organ failure during a routine kidney stone removal put Dean's life in the balance and gave him a glimpse of the afterlife.

With no belief in any God, Guillaume pursued whatever made him happy in life. Then he fell in love with a Christian girl and he set out to disprove...

Sixteen-year-old Sambath didn't go to school. He had no friends, no hope, no future.

An Operation Blessing rehabilitation center in Ukraine helps Sasha get clean.

Chaos in his childhood home ushered Norm into a life of hard drugs. After a drug arrest, his life was dramatically changed when he was sent to a...

An abusive relationship nearly costs a young mother and her son their lives. She didn’t realize that an amazing transformation was awaiting them.


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