Displaying 273 - 288 of 555

Gordon Robertson accompanies a Operation Blessing Food Distribution in Tulsa where he meets Rondrea, a single mother struggling to make ends meet for...

When gang violence in Haiti killed little Jen Leon’s parents three years ago, a kind pastor took her in. With the orphanage overcrowded, the little...

Mbana worked hard to provide for her children, but for years she struggled to earn even a dollar a day. Sometimes tea was all they had for dinner,...

Colton's 4 year old spirit left his body during an emergency surgery and he experienced heaven with Jesus.

Parents worldwide want their children to have a good education, but in some nations, it's hard enough just to stay alive. That's the case for Burmese...

The music in Superbook is much more than background noise.” It’s the finishing touch that brings the story to life.

Get Superbook’s new adventure, “Peter’s Denial.” Plus, find out how you can get 3 free copies of “He Is Risen!”

You know them as part of part of the 19 Duggar children from Arkansas, but Jana, Jill, Jessa, and Jinger Duggar have branched out on their own to...

From the hit show, "19 Kids and Counting," the Dugger girls (Jana, Jill, Jessa and Jinger) share about relationships, life, and their new book “...

The Bribris are among Costa Rica's very small indigenous minority, and they make up less than three percent of the population. Their children have...

For Jendrick and many of his fellow students, the lunch provided at school was often the only meal they had. When the school ran out of money for the...

Whether or not lawmakers reach a deal on immigration reform this year, one group is likely to suffer: the children of those deported.

Pennsylvania Pastor Sam Childers is best known for his charitable work rescuing kidnapped children in Africa. Over the years, we've brought you...

In Superbook’s newest adventure, you’ll meet John the Baptist as he prepares people for the arrival of Jesus.

Barcisa worked hard running a food stand but barely made enough to support her three daughters. Limited by her small kitchen, she could only...

When teachers in Norfolk saw young students walking to school without winter coats, they wanted to do something to help. See how an entire school...


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