Displaying 305 - 320 of 564

Meet Noah as he follows God’s instructions to build a huge boat on dry land—with no rain in sight!

Selling children for profit is a multi-billion dollar global industry, and it's getting worse. More than one million children are trafficked...

If you are a Gypsy in Ukraine you can expect to be forgotten, overlooked, and disrespected. What a difference even just one person reading our blog...

It seems hardly a day goes by that we don't hear about some sort of war happening somewhere in the world. For the children living in a war zone of...

For some children in Payatas it was not uncommon for a day to pass without the children receiving even one meal until Orphan's Promise stepped in to...

There are so many good things happening in the Philippines. Watch these stories of hope, redemption, and lives being changed.

In 30 days Greg will travel to 5 countries, 27 cities to share a message of hope and how ordinary, everyday people can make a huge difference in the...

The start of Orphan's Promise really begins with the story of three Ukrainian sisters and one woman's response to a calling greater than she ever...

It's hard to believe a place where twins are considered a curse, but these twin sisters were saved from a long-standing tribal practice.

Watch a preview of Superbook: “Paul and the Shipwreck”. Even when we are weak or afraid, God will fill us with His mighty strength!

The Syrian civil war is well into its third year and the fighting has claimed more than 100,000 lives. Incredibly, that's not the biggest risk for...

A German family finally has been reunited after their children were taken away to stop the parents from educating them at home. However, the...

The German government continues to hunt down and persecute homeschoolers. Yet another homeschooling family has been targeted by the Jugendamt in its...

When Han was 10 his father died and his mother abandoned him. He faced constant hunger. Would no one care for him?

After losing both parents at 13, Dineo struggles to care for her younger sisters. Watch hope transform her hopeless situation.

Abandoned at only two years old, Samuel had no place to call home until Orphan's Promise stepped in to help.


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