Displaying 129 - 144 of 157

Author of Your Inner Skinny Joy Bauer shares tips on healthy, lasting weight loss.

Dr. Dolgoff makes good nutrition easy for you and your kids with this simple eating plan.

Health and exercise expert Ron Williams discusses how the battle to lose weight is a spiritual one.

Jim Karas and Kristi Watts show you easy exercises that you can do in your home.

Jim Karas will discuss fitness and how a positive change in our habits can translate into weight loss and more energy.

The "Today Show" nutrition and diet expert discusses how to achieve permanent weight loss by building new eating habits.

Chantel lost 200 pounds; now this wife and mother of four helps others live a healthy lifestyle.

How do I make it through Thanksgiving without sabotaging my diet? Pat Robertson answers this question and more.

Mike Levinson, author and father of five, explains how dads can stay healthy and fit.

NBC's "Biggest Loser" trainer shows you how to make fitness a lifestyle. The new season of "Biggest Loser: Families" airs Tuesdays at 8:00 p.m. ET/ 7...

Weighing more than 500 pounds, Tollie knew he had to change his life. Now, 300 pounds lighter, he helps youth fight obesity.

I have been trying to lose weight and can't, while my husband eats what he wants and stays the same weight. Why is this?

A study by the Washington Post shows that only two percent of dieters keep their weight off permanently. Their secret? Gregory Jantz says it's not...

Pat, I am a post-menopausal woman trying to lose those last 10-15 pounds. Any suggestions?

No time to diet or exercise? Watch Kristi Watts and nutritionist Heather Bauer demonstrate some simple meals from Heather's Wall Street Diet.

Pastor Steve Reynolds has lost more than 100 pounds and has helped his congregation lose more than 2,000 pounds by following his Bod4God plan.


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