Where Is God? (Part 2)

It has been a year since I wrote the original article, Where is God? (A true story) . I thought it would be encouraging to let you know how my family is doing now. I want you to see where faith and trust in God has brought this little family.
The great pain I felt back then has turned to joy as I look around me. My brother is still in process in getting licensed with another ministry. He is thankful for God's love and keeping power. His wife and children are being blessed and he knows that soon God will lead him to the right church for the gifts and talents he has to offer. His immediate needs are being met every day. There is no lack in his house.
My sister and brother-in-law are still working very hard for the Lord. They have had several opportunities opened up to them financially. The bills are being paid and the new circumstances that have been made available to them (supernaturally, of course) have brought great hope and excitement. Lifelong dreams are beginning to be fulfilled.
God is so good.
This time last year my mother was getting ready to have a skin cancer removed on her face. Now my mom's blessings are so awesome I can hardly stand it. God has blessed her beyond my wildest dreams. She is physically doing great after the cancer surgery. A few months ago, she sold her old home (which needed much repairs) and moved into the cutest house. Every time I walk into it I just want to cry for joy. Yes, cry for joy. I feel so much happiness for her. She sold the other house and received three times what we thought it was valued at.
Did I say God is so good?
The one sister I mentioned in the previous article that did not seem to have problems did have one. It could have been a very serious one, but God took care of it and she and her husband are doing great. They are working in their church and are now branching out into an outreach for their area.
Please know they believe that God is so good.
As for my immediate family situation, last year we had to ask our church to help us pay the car payment. Several families in the church lovingly gave money to us in order to help with our bills. This year we were blessed to be able to buy a new car and bless others. Our finances have increased so much that we are in shock. My husband's back is doing really well. He was able to do several repairs on the inside of the house (which makes me very happy). Our tithes have increased, which I know makes the church administrator happy. We are paying off our debts and yet we are able to bless others along the way.
I must tell you, God is so good!
"Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you would choose life, that you and your descendants might live! Choose to love the Lord your God and to obey him and commit yourself to him, for he is your life" (Deuteronomy 30:19, 2, New Living Translation).
As a family, we choose to love, obey and commit ourselves to God. He truly is our life! We choose to accept life and not death, blessings and not cursings, so that our descendants might live. We are witnesses of God's faithfulness and love.
Where was God last year when we were struggling? He was right there. He was waiting to see if we would trust Him. He wanted to see if we would fight the fight of faith or give up.
If you find yourself in a hard place this year, take heart. Trust God! Don't question Him as to where He is. He is right by your side. Call out to Him and know He is ready to meet your needs. Experience His great love for you today!
"And I pray that Christ will be more and more at home in your hearts as you trust in him. May your roots go down deep into the soil of God's marvelous love. And may you have the power to understand, as all God's people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love really is. May you experience the love of Christ, though it is so great you will never fully understand it. Then you will be filled with the fullness of life and power that comes from God" (Ephesians 3:17-19).
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