700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

700 Club Episodes & Videos

Where do dreams come from? I believe sometimes they are from God. But what about nightmares? Do they come from Satan? If gluttony is a sin, will...

How do you distinguish between God given, God purposed dreams and your own dreams? If God gives us the desires of our hearts, can God heal my husband...

Is it alright to watch a movie that has a clip of sex in it? Is it a Biblical mandate that the husband be the head of the household? Which version of...

If God created everything, then didn't He create Satan and sin? Why hasn't God chosen to defeat Satan? Is it that He's not powerful enough? Does He...

Since more people are co-rehabilitating together instead of getting married, what does God think about these long term commitments? If Jesus returned...

I've had some disturbing thoughts from my past and I get angry so easily. I feel like I don't want to read scripture. Does this mean that I am demon...

Is it mandatory to be a member of a church? What is the best way to forgive even when someone doesn't want forgiveness?

I am a member of a church where the pastor must give you approval to go on vacation or visit another church. Pastor says he is responsible to God for...

Is it ok for a Muslim friend to pray for me? If you marry a non-believer before you know scripture, is your marriage doomed? A couple living together...

Is it wrong of me that I stopped talking to my brother? I hear able-bodied Christians praising God for their government handouts. Is this right? I...

Could God answer my prayers to be delivered from debt or is bankruptcy God's punishment for my poor decisions? Our church is either going into...

There are no Christians in the house, and I pray for God to deliver me. Any pointers? Why did Jesus cry out on the cross "My God, why have you...

My Director has been bullying me for 16 years. I can barely bring myself to work each day. What can I do?

Is lust really that bad? Do I have to take a person back, especially if the sin was adultery? What can I do to witness to people who are walking into...

I am 22 years old, nine months pregnant, and scared to death about being a parent. My fear is that I'm too young. Do you think God can still use me...

My child has special needs which causes us to miss church, what can I do to make sure we get the teaching we need? I have a loved one that was...


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