700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

700 Club Episodes & Videos

I know a friend is having an affair. Am I sinning if I don't confront her or tell her husband? I had an abortion and ashamed of what I did. Will God...

I know some kids who are being trafficked sexually, but they fear for their lives. What do you do when children are to afraid to talk? What can we do...

Is it wrong to read the Koran to be a better witness? How can I believe in God's protection, when He allowed Stephen to be stoned to death? When is...

Are we predestined to go to either Heaven or Hell? Can I have a personal relationship with God if I never hear from Him?

Can I get back with my ex after we both got remarried? I am having trouble finding a girl-friend, they all have boy-friends or want nothing to do...

Is it ever right for a Christian to sue, a friend was slandered and it hurt their reputation, how should this be handled? Is the doctrine of "soul"...

A friend says when praying to God, he gets no answers, but the devil answers him. Why does God not reply so easily? You have stories about people who...

I've lived with my girlfriend for 22 years, she does not want to get married, but I do. What should we do? I just inherited $400,000, what should I...

My husband cheated on me and we divorced. He has several girlfriends, money, and just got a promotion. Why is he being rewarded for living like a...

Do you think kids who are home schooled should be able to participate in local public school sports? Pat, how long have you been a Christian? How did...

The nail salon that I go to has a Buddhist shrine. Am I sinning by going there? What is the difference in "good karma' and God's rule of 'you reap...

My husband leers at other women, I told him to stop. What can I do? What did Jesus mean when he said, 'to everyone who has, more will be given. But...

I divorced my husband to live with another man, my husband wants to reconcile but I still love this other man, what should I do? My husband and I are...

Why do we have to pray for peace in Israel? What makes Israel so special with God? I‘m Jewish- I just do not understand. How can I get the faith...

My son is dating a non-believer, what should we do? Did Judas have a choice of was he chosen? "Take up your cross, deny yourself, and follow me",...

I have been asked to be a bridesmaid in my sister's gay wedding, I don't agree with it, what should I do? Is it possible that your "words of...


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