700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

700 Club Episodes & Videos

When you pray on the show, does that person need to be watching to receive healing? Is it okay to pray to St. Jude for intercession in prayer? Is...

I deal with a company who deals in porn and I am going to boycott them. Do boycotts actually work? Is it possible for a Christian to be possessed? Is...

If the USA goes belly up, will cash even be any good? I tithe on my salary but should I tithe on my tips? How can someone believe in science and...

How about the parents who are being bullied by public schools and the courts today due to their Christian beliefs? What would you say to a school...

How can genetic diseases be healed, is it wrong to pray for these? What does God sound like? Will nice people go to heaven without accepting Jesus?...

Is it possible for someone to be so lost that they can't get back to God? What can I tell her to help her get back to God? My daughter gave her life...

I have had many hurtful relationships, how can I avoid these until God has the right relationship for me? Are Jehovah's Witnesses considered a cult?...

I was contracted to do one job, but upon arrival my job was changed with reduced pay. What should I do? I don't understand, just what is blasphemy?...

Is it okay for a Christian woman to be a surrogate mother? Pat, what made you start the 700Club and did you have any hardships due to this? I read my...

I am a Christian but had a relationship which turned sexual, now he won't even talk to me. How do I let go and ask God for forgiveness? What does the...

What is the unpardonable sin? Is it okay for a Christian to sell tobacco and alcohol in their job? I hear that Jesus spent 3 days in hell after the...

I tithe on my gross income, should I tithe on my tax return? What are some practical things that we can do to guard our marriage? Is there anything...

Pat, how many kids do you have? Kristi, is there some secret concoction you take that gives you such joy? You are such a blessing! Pat do you ever...

I found out my son was abused by a baby-sitter, how do I help my son recover from this? Is the God of Christians and Jews the same as Allah who...

My 17 year osl son has ADHD and Asberger's. People have told him he has demons, what should I do? Why do so many Easter services seem like funeral...

I started dating while separated. I confessed the adultery and have been re-baptized. How can I feel cleansed? Growing up, I was abused by my family...


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