Christian Living

ChurchWatch 04/26/10

Simply Sharing Jesus: Pocket Full of Quarters Journey 2010

A Note from Craig: Last year we followed my friend, Cheryle Touchton – The Pocket Full of Quarters Lady – as she traveled around the country sharing the gospel wherever she went. Well, she's at it again, and I invite you to join me in following her as she is obedient to Christ's command to take the good news to hungry and hurting people across America.

I had lunch with Cheryle a few weeks ago at a Christian writers conference and she pointed out that what she does is not difficult, nor frightening. "Anyone who is willing can do it and see people won to Christ," she reminded me. As you'll see in these reports over the coming weeks, Cheryle simply asks the Holy Spirit to direct her to people who need to hear a message of hope. Then she looks for where the Spirit is leading and she shares Christ from a heart of compassion.

It is that easy.

Join me in watching what the Holy Spirit will do through this woman who has said to the Lord, "Here am I, send me." 

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. (Gal 5:22-23, NIV)

So far, the Missionary Dog, Belle and I have traveled through 8 eastern states handing out quarters and spreading the good news of Jesus Christ.

Cheryle TouchtonI’m exhausted but in awe of God. I’ve spoken 6 places including TV, a funeral, a nursing home, and churches. I’ve ministered in restaurants, parks, book stores and even a doctor’s office. I’ve already lost things, had medical problems, and been lost, but the fruits of the spirit are blooming on the vine. To date, 6 people have changed their destinies by praying to receive Jesus.

Leading a funeral was a first. My sweet mother-in-law, Barbara Touchton, went to be with Jesus right after the journey began. My family asked me to be the minister for the funeral and I couldn’t have asked for God to open better ministry doors to begin this journey. There were 4 different families attending that funeral while still grieving from recent and some even tragic losses. I was honored to offer support.

I almost missed my favorite “Divine Encounter” so far because of a morning grump. I usually sleep in campgrounds, but the church I was speaking at had generously bought me a hotel room. I’d set the clock for 7 a.m., but awoke at 5:45. Breakfast wasn’t until 6:30, so I walked Belle and did my morning devotions. At 6:30, I dashed downstairs. Breakfast wasn’t ready.

I anxiously peeked into the kitchen. A busy woman said, “It’ll be out in a few minutes.”

I’m not a morning person. Add hungry to the mix and I could have been downright dangerous. I took a breath and fought to take nasty thoughts captive. Instead of saying what I wanted to say, I asked politely, “Did I misread the time?”

“No,” she said, frantically filling bowls. “I’ve been out for several days. They didn’t tell me that a machine broke.”

“You’re having a bad morning. Relax. It’ll be OK. I’m a Christian missionary. Tell me your name and I’ll pray for you.” 

Her name was Mary. She calmed down and looked grateful. I prayed and she finished getting breakfast out.

“May I talk to you?” she asked, after everything was out.

“Absolutely,” I said, looking wistfully at eggs on my plate. “Have a seat.”

“I’ve been dating a nice man for 6 weeks. Jim talks about Jesus and wants to pray together. I went to Catholic school, but he’s different than me. I want to be like that but I’m not.”

“Are you a Christian?” I asked.

“I think so – I grew up Catholic.”

“If you’re Catholic, you believe in the birth, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Right?” She nodded.

“I know you’ve confessed your sins.” She laughed and nodded.

“Have you prayed and invited Jesus to be your personal Savior and Lord?”

She hesitated before she said, “I must have.”

“You would remember if you had. I suspect that’s the difference between Jim and you. Jim has probably asked Jesus to be his Lord and Savior, so Jesus is personal to him.”

Another customer walked up so Mary had to go back her job. I finally ate cold eggs. When Mary was between tasks, I tried to continue the conversation but she pointed to a table, looking self-conscious.

“Is that Jim?” I whispered. She nodded.

I was only two tables from Jim so I turned to him. “Jim, Mary says you pray with her. Are you a Christian?” 

“Yes Ma’am, I am. Since I was 12. Born again.” He eats and talks. I’ve got to learn that technique.

“Mary and I have been talking about Jesus. She recognized Jesus in your life. Good for you! She believes in Jesus, but hasn’t invited Him into her life.”

We both looked at Mary. I said, “The 3 of us could do this right now. You could pray and meet Jesus personally.”

“No, I couldn’t do it,” she said, backing up. “I’m too shy.”

“You can do this!” I said encouragingly. “I’ll tell you what to say. Hold our hands.” There in the Comfort Inn, in a small town in sunny Florida, Mary quietly repeated the words that changed her life and eternity.

When we finished, she was crying. Jim was beaming. If I’d given in to my petty aggravation of late food, I’ve have missed that amazing encounter.

You can pray this same prayer right now to receive Jesus as your Savior.

People are in pain inside church walls. Next Sunday, look around. The signs of heartbreak and disappointment are there. Look for hollow eyes, sagging shoulders, and a discouraged gait. Touch them and ask what is going on. Listen. Offer love, prayer, and compassion. Be Jesus to the Church so the Church can be Jesus to the world.

I head west tomorrow – pray for Belle and me.

You can buy Cheryle's newest book, The Secret to Dealing With Chronic Pain and Related Depression, and her other books at http://pfocbookstore.blogspot.com/.

Check out last year's Mission to America Posts on ChurchWatch:

July 6: Mission to America: Touching the Mentally Ill

June 22: Mission to America: Week Two

June 16: Pocket Full of Change: Churches in America

June 9: Mission to America: Saving Souls, One Quarter at a Time

Learn more at http://www.pocketfullofchange.org/  

Cheryle M. Touchton is the Director of Pocket Full of Change Ministries.  She is the author of 2 Books: Pocket Full of Quarters: 5 Steps to Loving God and Pocket Full of Christmas: Having a Purpose Filled Advent. For more information or to schedule a speaker for an event, go to http://www.pocketfullofchange.org/ or call Gail Golden at (904) 316-5462.

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