Tips for Getting through the Holidays

The holidays can be busy and full of gatherings of family and friends. But for us in our recovery these can be stressful and hard to handle. They can send us thinking that we should be back out there using our addiction for comfort. We might need some tips for getting through the holidays clean and sober.
1. Don't forget the "God and me" time. Especially at this time of year, we need to take the time to sit at His feet and listen to his voice. Take some extra time to spend time with your Savior.
But as for me, I will look to the LORD; I will wait for the God of my salvation; my God will hear me. (ESV) Micah 7:7
2. Don't forget to work the steps and get support. This is not the time to forget the steps that have helped you so far. You definitely do not want this to be a time of "going it alone." Make sure you have support that you can call at a moment's notice.
3. "Make a list and check it twice." Make a list of priorities for you for the holidays. What are the most important things for you this Christmas? These can be priorities as they relate to your recovery or can be priorities in your life.
Get a pen and paper and begin writing this list (or your electronic notepad). Ask yourself: What is most important during this time? Prioritize your list keeping in mind that your relationship with God needs to come first and your recovery and self-care should be next. Then list things that HAVE to be done, followed by the things you WANT to get done; and finally the things that may be dreams or visions of what you would like to do.
Psalms 37:23-24 states, “The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD, and He delights in his way. Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down; For the LORD upholds him with His hand.”
I like that word "ordered". Sitting down and setting priorities is putting our life in order. That is the way God wants it.
4. Learn to say "No." When things come your way that do not fit into the list of priorities, it is okay to say no. You do not need to do everything that is asked of you anytime; but much less during the holidays. There needs to be an evaluation time and not an immediate answer. I have learned that I need to take time to pray about things before I do anything major.
Matthew 5:7a says "All you need to say is simply 'Yes' or 'No'"
5. Make some time for "silent nights." There needs to be time for peace and quiet and simple reflection. You do not have to be busy 24/7. Look for a place that is calm where you can spend some quality time in silence. Then BREATHE. There is nothing like it. It allows your mind to rest.
Mark 6:31 says, "And He said to them, ‘Come away by yourselves to a lonely place and rest a while.’"
Jesus recognized the fact that there is a need to come away and rest. He was telling His disciples that they also needed to come away and rest. If Jesus saw this need, then we also need to practice this.
Holidays are wonderful times of the year. Let's not allow this holiday to steal our sobriety. God wants us to be successful. He has provided us with all that we need to make this the Best Christmas ever.
Please know that You are loved.