
I hope you had a chance to watch all or part of the PBS series, Carrier, which aired last week. The U.S. Navy appears to have given the producers unprecedented access to the crew and their ship, The U.S.S. Nimitz, during its 2005 deployment to the Persian Gulf.


A new music video by the French music group "Justice" gives a taste of the violence that exists in a bleak Paris suburb or banlieue. The gray apartment block slums, housing many immigrants from North Africa, are the breeding ground for the feral young men who like to torch cars and spread mayhem.


What began on April 2nd as a short visit by Todd Bentley, founder of Fresh Fire Ministries, to Ignited Church in Lakeland, Florida has exploded into an ongoing and indefinite healing revival. The venue has changed four times in order to accommodate the expanding multitudes of people arriving from around the country and the globe. At current press time, the revival is scheduled to remain at The Lakeland Center through Thursday, May 1st and will move to Joker Marchant Stadium in Lakeland for servi


Greetings, folks,

On Thursday's American Idol, two things: My personal favorite, Brooke White, was voted off. That’s it for me. However, Neil Diamond appeared on the show as the mentor to the contestants, and he sang a song from his new album, Home Before Dark that will be out in a week or so.


The Investigative Project on Terrorism has obtained two government memos that outline a new strategy in the War on Terror. Basically, it all comes down to language. Words like "jihadist" and "Islamofascist"--which used to be peppered throughout President Bush's speeches--look to be on their way out. Terms like "violent extremist" and, simply, "terrorist" are in. Bear in mind that Bin Laden, al-Zawahiri and their Al-Qaeda ilk descri


I’ve been on the campaign trail a lot and I’ve seen her up close and personal. You definitely get a different impression of her when you cover her. Don’t take my word for it. I have spoken to many die-hard conservatives who cover her on a daily basis and while they may not personally agree with her policies, they’ve come to actually like her. They see a different side of her that the public DOES NOT see. She’s actually quite funny. Does she have her faults? Sure. Bu


Hillary Clinton looks like she's closing the gap in North Carolina. Brody File producer Robin Mazyck went down to North Carolina and produced the piece above for The 700 Club. My annonying voice is on the piece, Have a look.


From Kellie: He can denounce Rev. Wright all day, but he still goes to the same church that has a pastor who was under Rev. Wright and who says the same hateful stuff. Faith by Bible says comes by hearing so as long as he’s hearing the same old hateful stuff I can not believe that those are not his views. From Robert: I hope that Barack Obama can put the Rev. Wright controversy behind him. It would be sad to see a promising politician like Obama swiftboated for something he didn't even do


So, what would that be? First, the vaccines do not guarantee you won't get measles. That's rubeola measles, not to be confused with German measles, usually called rubella. In many of the outbreaks, the majority of the infected people are fully or partially vaccinated.


Yesterday's Capitol Hill press conference was like many others I've attended, with politicians and activists are flanked by a sea of brightly-colored signs and photos.  The speakers, from countries like China, Sudan, North Korea, and the U.S. had one primary goal: to expose China as the greatest enabler of human rights abuses worldwide.
