Christian Living

chinaconnection 08/21/08

Beijing Tourists Ready for More

Many people have come to Beijing for the Olympics, but they're not the city's only attraction.  Whether it's culture, history, or even shopping, Beijing has a little something for everyone.

Tourism actually accounts for 7% of Beijing's GDP, and the more than $40 billion USD on venues and infrastructure improvements could cause that percentage to grow in the upcoming years.  By 2020, the United Nations estimates that China will be the number one tourist destination in the world.

Granted, this past summer stricter visa and security requirements, coupled with extremely high hotel rates, haven't been the best combination for attracting tourists.  The earthquake in Sichuan, Tibetan turmoil, and flooding are also not the most positive public relations material.

Regardless, the tourists we've talked to from all over the world have been overwhelmingly pleased with their experience in China. 

While the Beijing Tourism Administration was very kind to supply us with some Beijing beauty shots, which you can see in the video, the glowing reviews of the city from tourists are sincere.

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