Life with a Purpose
In the body of Christ, we want to do things for the Lord. We mean well and get involved before we really seek the Lord about it. Maybe we do it out of guilt or feel pressured by well-meaning friends. But for whatever reason, if it is not from a heart of passion, it is EMPTY! Personally, I don't want to waste my time bobbing up and down like a bobble-head doll and going no where. I will just be doing the work of the Lord with no real purpose.
Everything we do must be done with a willing heart devoted to the Lord. Otherwise, it is empty. That is like a bobble-head doll. They have a spring inside, the head is bigger than the body, and they are hollow inside. They bob up and down, but don't really get anywhere. Do you ever feel like you go through the motions, yet your heart is not in it at all? That is what it is like to be a bobble-head.
The thing to do when you feel this way is to stop and ask yourself some questions. Is this what the Lord wants from my life? Am I bobbing up and down taking up space? Perhaps what you are doing isn't your calling or gifting.
If you teach, then don't try to be an administrator. If you are a leader, get out there and lead with confidence. If you are a behind the scenes person, then do it with excellence. Step into the right position in the body of Christ, and the Lord will add gifts to your life. You may be multi-talented, but where is your passion?
For example, I can teach and sing. But I am totally willing to let those who feel called to usher or work with the children's programs do their jobs. We each have our own areas of ministry.
We want to please the Lord, not man. Let's not burn out doing everything that we are not called to do. We need to keep our heads on straight, and look to the Lord for our callings. Let us do the very best in the place He shows us, and run with a heart after God.
There is a book currently gaining a lot of attention in the Christian community. The title is The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren. There are some groups that are conducting Bible studies centered on this book. Individuals are reading and talking about it. One church is building its sermons and cell groups on the Purpose Driven Life theme. No one is a bobble-head on purpose, and we certainly want a purpose driven life.
Paul prayed that God would bless the Christians in Corinth, so they might abound in every good work.
And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work (2 Corinthians 9:8 NIV).
He expressed confidence that God would continue to enhance the good work begun in them.
...being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus (Philippians 1:6 NIV).
Search your heart and see what your passion is, and then go after it. Use your gifts and talents, watch the Lord bless you. Surely, you will be content and there will be no more bobbing around. You will be moving forward -- being all God has called you to be.
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