Christian Living

Spiritual Life


One's purpose in life shares a common denominator with all other humans - seek to know, serve, and love Almighty God. When we seek, we will find.

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Bible Teachings on Life

You're pregnant! You are afraid, confused, angry ... and feeling very much alone.

Seek God daily and His will for your life unfolds before you.

Though the world pushes frustration, sin, and hopelessness at you – there is inspiration to live and know what is to come is eternity. God is...

God is the Creator of all and His presence is exalted in and through nature. Dig into God’s presence in nature with these scriptures.

Questions about Life

According to the Bible, mankind is distinct from all the rest of creation, including the animals, in that he is made in the image of God.

It is important to understand that accepting things is not the same thing as being resigned to them. You must accept suffering without becoming...

Why are we even born if we are only to die some 70 or 80 years later?

Our main purpose for being on earth is to be stewards of God's creation, to grow in God, and to function as God's sons and daughters.

COVID-19 has heightened everyone’s senses to at least three important things that we already know are true.

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Devotionals about Life

Have you ever set out to accomplish a task only to have a situation come up that distracts you? There are times when I get distracted easily and fail...

Relationships? Success in business or in family? The accumulation of stuff? Even when you get that raise or that new car, all of these things fall...

The Pharisees were asking Jesus when the Kingdom of God would come. In Luke 17, Jesus tells them that it is already among them. It's His presence....

Our worldly belongings will not be going with us when our time here is over. The Apostle Paul wrote, “For those who live according to the flesh set...

Every part of our day is dictated by our choices and decisions: what we eat, how we live, our family life, our career. The most important, however,...

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Videos about Life

Will God Come Through For Me?

What Is My Life Worth?

Can Any Good Come From My Life?

Can God Restore My Life?

All Videos on Life

Articles on Life

When you’re perpetually overwhelmed, if you don’t declare a finish line, your body will.

Unexpected consequences of social media are contributing to division and moral views in society.

meme - the best way for us to have peace of mind & liberty in life is to anchor our beliefs on the only truth that matters, God

Unearthing Deception: A Devotional Study on Truth

Learn how to find truth and live truth, based on God’s Word.

There isn

It's Always Time for Peace

Plan for God’s peace and with it also find strength and joy.

God gives us a living hope in Christ that transcends this world.

All Articles on Life
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