Sowing Faith Seeds
And I will make every effort to see that after my departure you will always be able to remember these things. 2 Peter 1:15
If Wall Street measured spiritual wealth, my childhood portfolio was a bust.
Unlike many of my friends who were second, third, or even fourth generation Christians, I wasn’t reared in a spiritual home. Santa sat right next to baby Jesus on the Christmas mantle. Our church attendance was spotty. And no one ever explained how Jesus fit into my Easter basket with the chocolate eggs and jelly beans.
But as I look back on my early years, there were a few deposits in my spiritual bank account.
One day my dad sketched the story of Noah and the flood. The story and stick figure drawings fascinated me. I’d never heard the story before. I had no idea it was true, nor that it came from the Bible.
When I was six, I attended Vacation Bible School with a friend. A week later the minister and two blue-haired ladies presented me with a black King James Version Bible. On the inside someone had neatly inscribed my name and written a verse—John 3:16.
I thought of my paltry nest egg of spiritual assets when I read 2 Peter 1:12-15.
God had revealed to Peter that his death was imminent. The bold apostle had survived much persecution for his faith, but now the day of his departure was at hand. As many do when they know their lives are ending, Peter wanted to leave a legacy for his children—an inheritance to ensure their future success.
But unlike many who bequeathed houses, businesses, and land, Peter wasn’t concerned with leaving a financial legacy. He wanted to leave a spiritual legacy.
I want to leave a spiritual legacy for my children too. I want to make every effort for my children (both biological and spiritual) to remember the truths I based my life on. Whether or not we have children of our own, we should all be investing in and discipling someone younger than us. Especially young believers who didn’t grow up in a Christian home.
How do we disciple others? Here are a few ideas:
Memorize Scripture and teach it to others. When we hide God’s Word in our hearts, He promises it will always accomplish the purpose He has for it.
Personalize a One Year Bible for someone. As you read through the Bible, write notes, insights, and prayers in the margins. Claim promises in prayer for them and note the date you prayed.
When you reach the end of the Bible, present it on a special occasion (birthday, graduation, marriage) as a gift. I gave a Bible to each of my daughters on their sixteenth birthdays.
Live a life of integrity and authenticity. You don’t have to be perfect—only Jesus never sinned—but you do have to be humble and transparent. If you sin, confess it, repent of it, and ask whomever you sinned against to forgive you.
Keep a journal. Like the apostle Peter, write down meaningful Bible verses, truths you’ve learned about God, and answers to prayers. Write prayers for your loved ones, recording promises and the hope God gives you. Compose psalms of praise.
When Peter died, he left behind a legacy of Scripture, wise counsel, faith, and authenticity that has influenced countless generations. We can do the same.
Taken from Refresh Your Faith: Uncommon Devotions from Every Book of the Bible by Lori Hatcher © 2020. Used by permission of Our Daily Bread Publishing®, Box 3566, Grand Rapids, MI 49501. All rights reserved. Further distribution is prohibited without written permission from Our Daily Bread Publishing® at
Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®, Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide.