Standing Strong Amid Life's Floodwaters

Ask any successful architect and they will tell you that the most important part of a building is not the façade but the foundation. Perhaps the most well-known example of a foundation failure is the Leaning Tower of Pisa in Italy. While this medieval edifice makes the top of the sight-seeing list for many visiting Italy, it is referred to in architecture classes as the go-to example of how not to build. The reason for its uncanny lean is that it was erected on soft soil composed of clay, sand, and shells. It would have collapsed by now if it wasn’t for modern engineering techniques that have helped stabilize it.
Jesus emphasized the sure foundation of our faith, rooted not in what we hear or say, but in what we do. He insisted that calling Him “Lord” is not enough: “So why do you keep calling me ‘Lord, Lord!’ when you don’t do what I say?” (Luke 6:46, NLT) If our actions don’t follow suit, eventually we will bend and buckle under the weight of sin and struggle. Jesus compared the person who listens and follows His teachings to someone who builds “a house who digs deep and lays the foundation on solid rock. When the floodwaters rise and break against that house, it stands firm because it is well built” (Luke 6:48). Such a person is placed in contrast to someone who merely hears Jesus’ message but does not change his or her life:
“But anyone who hears and doesn’t obey is like a person who builds a house right on the ground, without a foundation. When the floods sweep down against that house, it will collapse into a heap of ruins.” (Luke 6:49)
The person who not only hears and pays lip service but obeys Jesus’ teaching creates a firm foundation for life. When the floodwaters of adversity come, that person will stand strong. I know that when I’m diligent in prayer, meditate on God’s Word, and surround myself with others pursuing Christ’s heart, I am more confident to face the stormy waters of life.
We will all face trials and troubles in this life. Jesus never sugarcoats the Christian life. At some point, everyone encounters a downpour of grief, a deluge of disappointment, or the torrents of loss. If we want to stand strong amid life’s storms, we must build a sure foundation. We must make a daily effort to change the way live in accordance with the words of life we have heard.
Lord, thank You for Your teachings of life and hope and the matchless power of Your kingdom. Help me today to move past merely hearing and paying lip service to Your words to putting them into action.
Scripture is quoted from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.
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