Christian Living

Spiritual Life

Tripping Over Pebbles

In this life, we are on a pathway, a narrow road, a journey. Most of us have heard the saying “We are pilgrims just passing through” or “This world is not my home.” Yes, heaven awaits us, but for now our feet are planted on this earth. The Bible says, “Every place the sole of your foot shall tread upon, that I have given unto you” (Joshua 1:3). We are to take possession of those places for God’s Kingdom.

The road is not always like a newly paved, smooth highway. It is like the one well traveled, with cracks and pebbles to trip us up. You know when you are walking along so confidently, and the next moment, you catch yourself falling and scraping an elbow or knee, all because of a tiny pebble? That is how it is when you and I begin our Christian walk. We must be aware of what is out there that can cause us to stumble.

So often we are drawn away by our own fleshly desires. I call these “pebbles” distractions. The one we least expect to trip us up is called busyness. We all get busy with the cares of this life -- jobs, family, church, and shopping. These are good and necessary things. But what about all the committees we’re on? Is there any method to our madness? A reason we are too involved?

I have been there and thought to myself, I am a servant, and they need my help. If we are listening to the voice of God, He may speak to each one of us and say, “My child, I want you to let go of these things and let Me place you where I can use you the best.” Don’t we want to be in God’s perfect will? Yes, of course we do! So if you find you are getting pulled and not really satisfied, step back and check to find out what is your true calling.

I attended a retreat recently, and thank God, I prayed to hear the voice of the Lord. I asked Him to give me clear direction. The speaker shared about drawing close to the Lord and the fact that we get easily distracted and too busy sometimes. The alarm went off in my spirit. I knew I was to let go of a leadership position and I was finally ready to do so. There is a Scripture in the Bible that says, “In the mouth of two or three witnesses, shall every word be established” (2 Corinthians 13:1).

I got my second confirmation through a close friend who is an ordained teacher of the Word. As she prayed, she said, “You are being distracted from your calling. You are to teach.” Little did I know that the next chapter of my life was soon to unfold.

We go along the road of life much like a battery operated toy in which, eventually, three things will happen.

  • The battery winds down. (We get burned out.)
  • It bumps into a wall. (We don’t fulfill our destination.)
  • An obstacle, or pebble, is in the way. (You have to have some help to clear the pathway.)

Have you found yourself tripping over any pebbles lately? I urge you to thank God for them. In my case, the pebble of distraction caused me to re-evaluate my walk on this road of life.

Let’s step into our ministries, and as we grow, we can help others avoid the small pebbles that keep them from reaching their spiritual destinations.

All Scripture references are taken from the King James Version.

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