Pray for America - Day 18

And the Lord, He is with One who goes before you. He will be with you, He will not leave you nor forsake you; do not fear nor be dismayed. – Deuteronomy 31:8
DAY 18: "America's Finest"
How much time would you need to prepare to be away from your family for six months? Readiness is a key component to the success of military operations. It requires strategic planning and logistical expertise when deploying personnel and equipment to a temporary duty station.
In the first battle after the Israelites left Egypt, Joshua, a mighty warrior, responded immediately to Moses’ command to get his men ready to fight. As a military leader, Joshua was prepared day or night for the command to go to battle. After Moses’ death, God reminded Joshua to be strong and courageous and not to be afraid or discouraged. Today, America’s military men and women maintain a constant state of readiness. They are trained and fully equipped to respond to the call to duty. Without hesitation, these are “America’s finest,” committed to do whatever it takes to protect, preserve and defend the United States of America, and the freedoms we all hold dear.
Prayer warriors, let’s commit to pray for America’s service men and women. Ask God to keep them from becoming discouraged or afraid. Pray God’s protection for those in harm’s way, and for the spouses and children remaining at home. Pray too that all our veterans are valued, respected and provided the care they need.