Christian Living

thewebblog 01/19/09

Billy Graham's Grandson to Succeed D. James Kennedy

Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church in Ft. Lauderdale has selected Tullian Tchividjian to succeed the late D. James Kennedy as its pastor. Kennedy, who founded the church in the 1960's, died a year and half ago at the age of 76. Tchividjian pastors a church in that area and is no stranger to Coral Ridge. Here's the story from today's edition of the Sun-Sentinel.

Tchividjian is an intriguing choice. While he has a connection to Coral Ridge, Tchividjian has a much different preaching style than Kennedy. But my guess is that he will be well-received and probably attract younger folks to the church. It will be interesting to see what role, if any, he will play on The Coral Ridge Hour, the television program which, for years, has featured Kennedy's sermons and features on important political, moral and cultural issues. Tchvidjian has a compelling testimony, which was featured on The 700 Club not that long ago. Here's a link.

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