Christian Living

Spiritual Life


The Bible says to be anxious for nothing (Phil 4:6) and asks if our worries can add a single moment to our lives (Matt 6:27). 

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Bible Teachings on Anxiety

Relying on our own strength rather than upon God and His Word cultivates anxiety.

There's a way to break free from anger's grasp and learn how to handle the daily situations that can lead to anger.

God knows all things entirely. He knows every facet, every detail of the present word and possesses an equal knowledge of things past and yet to...

In 2 Chronicles 7:14 we're told if we humbly seek God in prayer and turn from sin, then He will hear and heal our land.

The Covid-19 pandemic may prevent us from large church gatherings but it cannot stop our faith or our hope.

All Bible Teachings on Anxiety

Questions about Anxiety

It is important to understand that accepting things is not the same thing as being resigned to them. You must accept suffering without becoming...

How could a loving, just, powerful God allow a tragedy like the coronavirus pandemic?  Doesn’t he care that innocent people are suffering and...

Whatever fears or trials we face, we have the victorious response.

It seems impossible during this coronavirus pandemic to find complete peace.

No matter what happens, Jesus Christ and His love, are absolutely immovable, unshakable, and unstoppable.

All Questions on Anxiety

Devotionals about Anxiety

Day 16: Be Anxious for Nothing

There are times in life when we suffer and cry out to God to deliver us, not realizing that He is performing a procedure to help us through the...

Our patterns of handling difficult situations can strengthen us or cripple us emotionally and spiritually. This author tells of seeking the abundant...

The beginning of 2022 brought unexpected trials for the author and her husband, landing them both in the emergency room. While she returned home, her...

What we think about has a powerful influence on our attitudes and worldviews. We hear about this a lot in motivational talks and sermons, but...

All Devotionals on Anxiety

Videos about Anxiety

Week of Prayer – Fear and Anxiety

Will I Ever Have Peace?

A diabetic goes into shock while driving his car. See the fight to save this man’s life and the miracle that stunned the medical community on today’s...

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Articles on Anxiety

When you place your faith in the Omnipotent God, believing on His awesome power with all your heart, He will enable you to achieve the insurmountable...

There isn

It's Always Time for Peace

Plan for God’s peace and with it also find strength and joy.

Because of God

The Peace Swap Out

When you recognize who God is, your unsettled feelings will turn into peace.


The Good News of Peace

In a world of turmoil, we find peace in the One who overcomes the world.

To get your “spiritual groove” established in the New Year, Pastor Daniel Fusco offers three simple steps prescribed in the Greatest Commandment.

All Articles on Anxiety
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