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Devotionals on Anxiety

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Devotionals on Anxiety

Day 16: Be Anxious for Nothing

There are times in life when we suffer and cry out to God to deliver us, not realizing that He is performing a procedure to help us through the...

Our patterns of handling difficult situations can strengthen us or cripple us emotionally and spiritually. This author tells of seeking the abundant...

The beginning of 2022 brought unexpected trials for the author and her husband, landing them both in the emergency room. While she returned home, her...

What we think about has a powerful influence on our attitudes and worldviews. We hear about this a lot in motivational talks and sermons, but...

Can you trust God outside of your comfort zone? Do you believe that God will always provide for your needs? Scripture tells us that our heavenly...

From songs and hymns to conversations in church, Psalm 121's claim that our help comes from the LORD is a truth we can perhaps recite word for word,...

There is so much uncertainty in this world we live in. The rising costs of gasoline and groceries and the increasing division and violence around us...

If you are terrified, overwhelmed, or fearful, learn how to overcome by experiencing King David's passionate cry to the Lord in Psalm 55. Like the...

We don't have to lose our joy when troubling times surround us. It can be so easy to lose our joy, let fear creep in and tighten its grip around us...


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