Christian Living

Spiritual Life

Devotionals on Evangelism

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Devotionals on Evangelism

Ask God to equip you with his wisdom and understanding, and enable you to preach his gospel to every tribe, toungue, and nation. As Jesus...

All of us are called to be disciples of His Word. However, before we set out to speak and educate wherever and however God directs, we must first...

Every day presents opportunities to shine our lights to the world. This devotional author reminds us that in every season, let's be on the lookout...

A visit to Europe might seem incomplete without a trip to at least one castle. As a man with a fond interest in all things medieval since childhood,...

When the enemy tempts you to compare yourself with others and think negative thoughts that God doesn’t care or is not listening to you, begin to...

While Peter may get most of the attention, what if Andrew had failed to bring his brother to the Lord? How different history might have been! Who was...

Does anyone stand out to you as an example of growing in their light for Jesus through the years? We reflect His righteousness in greater measures as...

Have you ever wondered if a seemingly random encounter was more than just a coincidence? This devotion tells the story of a car breakdown that turns...

The Psalmist said the 'one thing' he asked for was to gaze on God’s beauty. That divine beauty provides an essential part of both our relationship...

Saint Patrick was one of the greatest missionaries of all time, and his legacy is inspiring. His methods worked because they mirrored the Apostle...


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