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Devotionals on Life

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Devotionals on Life

The Pharisees were asking Jesus when the Kingdom of God would come. In Luke 17, Jesus tells them that it is already among them. It's His presence....

Our worldly belongings will not be going with us when our time here is over. The Apostle Paul wrote, “For those who live according to the flesh set...

Every part of our day is dictated by our choices and decisions: what we eat, how we live, our family life, our career. The most important, however,...

One of my favorite prayers is with Christians for their unbelieving family members, neighbors, and friends. We all long for our loved ones to know...

Sometimes our faith is tested through the trials we face. Sometimes our trials include our marriage, friendships, relatives, jobs, finances, children...

Walking through times of suffering is when I have experienced the most spiritual growth in my relationship with the Lord. These often painful and...

As we’ve seen in the world around us, our identity is majorly under attack, almost constantly. For some of us, it may be sexuality, our role as a...

When we are in times of economic uncertainty with rising inflation, gas prices, housing expenses, and grocery costs, we do not need to worry....

Are you going through a time of trial or testing? Take heart! Trials produce perseverance, and perseverance produces victory. Instead of giving up...

What are God's plans and purposes for your life? Personally, my understanding is that God doesn’t just have plans for my life, but rather, He has...


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