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Articles on Marriage

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Articles on Marriage

Sad man with coffee

Feelings: Your Path to Healing

When we turn up our nose at discouragement and sadness, we actually dampen our capability for feeling joy and gratitude.

Too many couples spend a lot of energy trying to keep up appearances in spite of the fact they need help.

Co-workers flirting

The Dangers of Excessive Friendliness

Because it is so very easy to slip into a dangerous relationship, we would all do well to be very cautious.

Silent treatment

Responding Instead of Reacting

Your lazy boss expects you to work overtime. Your spouse is irritable. You’re trying not to react, but choosing how to respond is so difficult.

Couple cuddling

Creating Safe Space for Our Mate

How do you typically respond under relational pressure? Do you fight, flight, freeze, or flow?

Happy elderly couple

The Art of Staying Married!

Marriage counselor Dr. David Hawkins shares five steps to practice that will reap rich rewards in your marriage.

Affairs begin in many ways and for many reasons, so we must be always on guard for the slightest hint of temptation.

Dr. Kevin Leman explains which birth orders make the best matches.

Instead of waiting for him earn your respect, behave respectfully and watch him grow into the man God designed him to be.

Couple divided

When Coping Is Destructive

Dr. David Hawkins reviews several steps to help you stop avoiding conflict and face the important people in your life with integrity and courage.


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