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Articles on Marriage

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Articles on Marriage

The deception is that we can “get away with it,” that we can sow without reaping, and that there will be no consequences. However, we must be aware...

Balancing couple

Restoring Balance to Your Marriage

If you’ve been married for more than six months, you know the truth of that statement. Once the honeymoon is over, real relating begins. Part of that...

Spouses having a serious talk

Constructive Criticism: Pathway to Growth

Constructive criticism. Isn’t this an oxymoron? How can criticism ever be constructive?

Couples counseling

Marital Difficulties? Five Reasons to See a Christian Therapist

Dr. Linda Mintle shares why the worldview of a therapist matters.

Couple separated

Feeling Lonely in Your Marriage?

Dr. David Hawkins shares some things you can do if you find yourselves detached and isolated in your pain.

Silent married couple

Is Your Marriage Making You Sick?

The physical impact of stress cannot be denied, but it is equally important to review the impact of stress in our emotional health.

The only thing more difficult than living with a member of the opposite sex is ... Actually, there is nothing more difficult.

Dr. Gary Smalley shares 12 ways that help to keep the love alive in any marriage.

Put the spark back in your relationship with The Passion Plan.

Couples disagree. Even strong marriages have their troubling moments. The key is to know how to avoid arguments.


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