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Articles on Marriage

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Articles on Marriage

Mature couple arguing

Discovering the Opportunity in Your Marriage Crisis

Everyone hates a marriage crisis. Yet, embedded in every crisis in your marriage is an opportunity for growth.

Clinical psychologist Dr. Juli Slattery addresses the connection between sexuality and spirituality and what to do if you've experienced brokenness.

Couple smiling

Five Ways to Create Connection to Your Mate

Do you find yourself wanting to be closer to your mate without knowing how to make the connection?

Mature couple

Healing Your Troubled Marriage

Dr. David Hawkins offers some guidelines for couples caught in a vicious cycle of pain and disconnection.

Exhausted couple

Are You Working Too Hard in Your Marriage?

Dr. David Hawkins shares ways you can balance mutuality in your marriage.

Couple sitting on sofa

Hope for Your Troubled Marriage

How do you know where to start? What exactly do you have to do to save your marriage?

Senior couple talking

When Conversation Makes You Crazy

Dr. David Hawkins recognizes some bad habits we can have and the ways we can develop better ways of communicating.

Couple in deep discussion

The Power of Encouragement

We all have that fear—the fear of not measuring up. The fear of being compared to someone else and sensing that we will be found wanting.

Give your love a special "love language" gift this Valentine's Day.

Couple ignoring each other

When Coping Is Killing You

We’ve been taught that coping is a sign of strength. But, what if it turns into a way of accommodating long-term stress?


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