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Articles on Success

Former UCLA basketball player Andre McCarter, who played on Coach John Wooden's last championship team in 1975, pays tribute to his mentor and...

Former UCLA basketball player Andre McCarter, who played on Coach John Wooden's last championship team in 1975, pays tribute to his mentor and...

Chapter One from 'Restoration Road: The Master Key to a New and Satisfied Life of Authenticity' by Mitch Kruse and Derek Williams.

Proxy players, escapist Christianity, and fulfilling our hearts’ desires—what do these three things have in common? They are topical smatterings from...

A performance-based perception of reality is sure to make your measly problems seem monstrous and make you feel exhausted instead of energized.

Among born-again Christians questioned by the Barna Research Group (BRG), 21 percent said that they had heard of spiritual gifts but did not believe...

It’s an “adventure” that some people – make that most – might justifiably call terrifying. Just a couple of years ago, Christian college student Mike...

In part two of this series, learn how truthfulness & thankfulness are keys to being a true believer.

I received the news that on December 26, my friend, Harald Bredesen, fell on his stairs at home, fractured his skull and, on Friday, December 29,...

Let's go sledding with Jesus! Let's improve the sled run! And let's bail out on living for own goals in our own strength. Let’s aim to live our whole...


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