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Articles on Success

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Articles on Success

Our strength and our joy ultimately lie in the greatness of our God. Lest we forget, He is more powerful than anything in all creation.

In the first major biography of Bonhoeffer in forty years, New York Times best-selling author Eric Metaxas examines this German pastor's life, as...

Christy Wimber: If you’re faith doesn’t continue to grow in your relationship with Christ, you won’t have the faith to see God’s Kingdom come not...

Bev Shea's career is a testament to a full life, lived yielded to the Holy Spirit. He was serene, confident, and dedicated in his musical ministry....

Marilyn Hickey recently spoke at a CBN staff chapel service. What she said so impacted us that we decided to make her life-changing words accessible...

Is innocence an asset or a hindrance to a maturing Christian?

There are many who think they are hearing from God when maybe they are not. How annoying are the superspiritual who always say, "God told me this --...

We lose sight of this because fear of the future blurs our perception. One bad report from the blood test, a meltdown on Wall Street, and God shrinks...

I think of wisdom in this light in the book, wisdom is seeing things from God's perspective -- how does God see this -- and then responding to that...

Revival actually starts with a person getting a kind of life that is Christ-like. Revival is not just what happens in a meeting. It is what happens...


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