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Devotionals on Christian life

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Devotionals on Christian life

When someone asks if you are ready, is the answer usually almost or in a few minutes? Or are you a person who is usually ready and prepared?...

When we live this life with the understanding that this is not our final destination, that heaven is waiting, and that Jesus could come back at any...

Have you ever wondered what life was like for the twelve disciples while they were with Jesus? They were so close to Him, yet they often had many...

We have access to our Heavenly Father every moment of every day. Walk on into the throne room. The door is not locked because it is not even...

What would cause God to be opposed to us? But He gives a greater grace. Therefore it says, “GOD IS OPPOSED TO THE PROUD, BUT GIVES GRACE TO THE...

It's so hard to give up control, isn't it? Surrender doesn't come as naturally in a society of tight-fisted people, and most of the time working hard...

We’re encouraged to pray continuously, yet it’s understandable to feel weary at times, especially after long nights of contemplation. As we embrace...

If a matchstick flame can lighten up a room, can you imagine how much our lights can dispel the darkness in the world? Someone, somewhere, needs to...

“God can’t use me.” Have you ever thought that? It very well may be that God is already using you for His purposes but you didn't know it. Discover...

Choosing to follow Jesus and be His disciple is a never-ending journey of becoming less like the world and more like Christ. But in our society today...


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