Christian Living

Spiritual Life

Devotionals on Conflict

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Devotionals on Conflict

In a world where some struggle to find the right words, let's be the ones who offer support and encouragement. Let's learn from the story of Job,...

Have you ever felt ignored, rejected, or even hated for speaking your truth? Take heart, for you're following in the footsteps of a great example....

Comeback quarterback for the Buffalo Bills, Frank Reich, is emblematic of the Christian virtue of endurance—someone who never gave up despite the...

God sets His table before us in the midst of our battling enemies.

Do you keep going when life gives you a “pow in the gut”?

How can we avoid being yanked into a battle of words and egos?

What kind of clever trap does Satan like to weave in the church?

When we preach at people or try to persuade them about their need for God, they tune out or shut down, but when we tell stories about what God has...

When circumstances cause your friends to turn against you and it feels as though everyone has forsaken you, where can you turn?

Do you share my frustration because it seems like our society will not do as God instructs and pray, repent, and humble ourselves before Him?


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