Christian Living

Spiritual Life

Devotionals on Conflict

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Devotionals on Conflict

Living in a fallen world means that we will experience all kinds of affliction. Thankfully, the life of Joseph shows us that we serve a God big...

It's safe to say conflict can be common in our relationships, but so is reconciliation. It's difficult to hear the voice of God or spend quality...

We have a civic responsibility to cast our votes in elections and a spiritual responsibility to keep our focus on representing Christ regardless of...

At times, I feel life is like an ocean. Some waves are pretty rough, then a few gentle waves; and then it seems the waves are trying to drown me....

We're in a spiritual battle every day of our lives. As you read this devotion, you'll sense the strategy one must use to properly defend their...

Each day, the enemy of our souls seeks to steal our joy and divert us from God's path. The Bible describes this as a battle, but it's not a fight...

This writer shares her experience growing up in the Philippines and facing false accusations. This is a common hurt for many of us. Join us as we...

Various interpretations abound for two Scripture verses found in Proverbs 25. This author urges us to view verses 21 and 22 in light of God's...

This author's studies in Jerusalem gave her a new perspective on the unity that God brings us within the body of Christ, even when differences and...

In a world rife with deception, can we still hear God's voice? The resounding answer is "Yes!" Be guided by Psalm 34:8. Like David, who tasted God's...


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