Christian Living

Spiritual Life

Devotionals on Conflict

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Devotionals on Conflict

Life’s demands exhaust us and God’s solution is found in the story of these sisters.

Some of the drama in your life could actually be God saving you from a more dangerous situation down the road.

Allowing God to change me immediately changed how I responded to what I faced at work.

God does not always sweep away our problems but He does promise to be with us through the trials.

It's natural for dogs to dig and hide bones. And it's natural for humans to hide things as well.

Choose to love hard-hearted people out of a fundamental belief in God’s bigger plan: reconciliation. Love as Jesus did.

When tempted to complain, why not send up a silent prayer of thanks instead?

We see David rise, fall, and rise again; and we learn from this shepherd warrior king that there is no sin that cannot be washed away and forgiven.

It is not fair that Luke Skywalker has an immediate decision to make and is not fully ready to make it. This is often how adulthood rudely comes...

The Bible would not have told us to take up the whole armor of God in order to withstand evil if evil could have been withstood without doing that.


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