Christian Living

Spiritual Life

Devotionals on Faith

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Devotionals on Faith

As this author recounts the Red Sea's miraculous parting and how God's omnipotence over nature was revealed, you'll be reminded of how the winds and...

We hear a crack as the bat makes contact with the baseball. The fans in the stands erupt in cheers as the ball soars over the wall and the player...

Be inspired by a touching testimony of God's faithfulness in this devotion. The author shares the emotional highs and lows of following God's call to...

As Jesus laid it all down on the Cross, our true act of worship is giving ourselves to God in love and adoration. Like an athlete, we compete on a...

The Holy Land's healthy population of olive trees provides the background for this devotion's introspective look at their impressive significance in...

Archaeologists sometimes search for years to find only scattered pieces of pottery. It’s impressive how painstakingly they put all the shattered...

Do you know today that you can put all your trust in God? Maybe you, too, have asked yourself, Who can I trust? The answer is you can trust in the...

There’s a method to packing for a trip. Yet sometimes, different types of trips necessitate different ways of packing. Sometimes experience shows us...

The early church addressed a crucial question that's relevant throughout time: What does God require from us as followers of Jesus? Is it faith in...

Are you weary from the relentless pursuit of perfection and the sting of self-criticism? Be encouraged to break free from legalism and self-...


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