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Spiritual Life

Devotionals on Faith

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Devotionals on Faith

Some may agree that happiness comes from following our dreams. Yet through His Word, God teaches us a far better way to achieving a life of success....

Doctrine is a subject most often in the purview of pastors and church leaders. However, its broader meaning of instruction and teaching within a...

Drawing on the comforting words of Isaiah 58:8, the author offers a compelling testimony of God’s protective hand at work. Through a vivid personal...

The beginning of 2022 brought unexpected trials for the author and her husband, landing them both in the emergency room. While she returned home, her...

It is only truly God’s marvelous grace to understand that He chose us before we were born! Do you ever reflect on this truth of God’s Word, thanking...

Despite our loftiest plans, God has something even bigger in store. Life’s unexpected twists and turns are often the moments of deepest spiritual...

While Peter may get most of the attention, what if Andrew had failed to bring his brother to the Lord? How different history might have been! Who was...

Does anyone stand out to you as an example of growing in their light for Jesus through the years? We reflect His righteousness in greater measures as...

Life is full of mountain highs and valley lows. There are seasons where we feel on top of the world or grieving in the valley. Wherever life finds...

How do we hold onto the peace God gives us when chaos is swirling around us? Keeping our focus on Jesus is not easy in a turbulent world, but it is...


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