Christian Living

Spiritual Life

Devotionals on Holy spirit

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Devotionals on Holy spirit

We often miss God’s blessing because it comes through someone with whom we disagree.

Somewhere in our work for the Lord, our desire to be great for God has deterred the ability to hear His voice.

"A bird that fears turbulence will never know how high it can fly." - Matshona Dhliwayo

We are a spirit, we possess a soul, and live in a body.

We can trust God's love, His plan, His strength and His grace.

Living in a desert creates a constant, desperate need for water. Our souls have the same need for Living Water.

The joy King David felt as he ushered in the presence of the Lord was almost more than he could contain. The Bible says he danced as they all shouted...

Faith means believing in things you cannot see. Through God's power and grace, your faith can light up your life.

Through His Word, and by His Spirit, God is shining a great light upon darkened hearts.

You see, part of the problem with the mighty, the proud, and the rich is that their hope isn’t in God, but in themselves.


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