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Spiritual Life

Devotionals on Holy spirit

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Devotionals on Holy spirit

God was speaking to you before you ever knew Him. His Holy Spirit laid the groundwork.

Jesus has the same response for all of us who call on Him.

Long before Jesus' disciples asked HIm how to pray, the Lord gave us important guidance on how we should pray for each other.

Finding God's will for your life doesn't have to be complicated.

Just because we run into difficulties, does not mean that we need to become the judge and jury of a situation. We don't know everything. God does.

Sunlight brings out the beauty of nature and the light of Christ brings out the best in God's children.

We really can trust the Holy Spirit to tell us what to say when we are in a delicate situation. And, we can trust the Scriptures to be relevant today...

Gordon Robertson, CEO of CBN, shows us how Jesus is the Beginning and the End of all that is, and everything in between, found in both the Old and...

Christ is the Lord of lords, whom no one can dethrone. Regardless of everything the world throws at Him, He is Lord over all. Pastor Sam Rodriguez...

In the Gospel of John, Jesus is called the Word. Gordon Robertson, CEO of CBN, teaches why this name is used and what it means.


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