Christian Living

Spiritual Life

Devotionals on Hope

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Devotionals on Hope

Are you living with the voice of shame?  Do you feel unworthy, useless, not being able to measure up, a failure? Shame will hold us down every time,...

What we think about has a powerful influence on our attitudes and worldviews. We hear about this a lot in motivational talks and sermons.

When have you experienced the most spiritual growth?

If you have ever lost hope because what you are believing for is not coming to pass, know that God has not forgotten you. Trust Him.

Trusting God to provide for your life deepens your faith. He provides in His ways and His timing.

Crying is a universal language that we all speak at some time in our lives. It is alright to cry out to God.

Have you ever asked what good can come of this? Maybe you’ve experienced a loss of relationship, an illness, or a death. Have you felt cheated,...

Trials produce perseverance, and perseverance produces victory.

Three days before the earthquake, this man was reading the book of Job in the Bible and thinking about Job’s situation.

I wonder what will we say in 50 years about the pandemic years? Will it be about how hard it was or will we be talking about the hope that endured...


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